/wz/ - warzone

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Our only rules are: don't spam and don't post anything related to cp, or we will cut your balls.

File: 1715599228305.jpg (424.67 KB, 1915x1080, AMD Radeon is Gaming.jpg)


Do it. Play it now.

File: 1715599186276.jpg (243.08 KB, 1080x1577, The GAME.jpg)


It's finished.

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Rise, my QW-632 Robotic Mujahedeen.


Ummah, we are the Holy Federal.
My Robotic Mujahedeen, Rise.


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Ummah… it's time for JIHAD.

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Mein Kampf

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Die you LolitaFag


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Allah shall burn them all, The daughters of Cheeses shall Allah Burn.

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Patrick Nelson Bum Booty is protected PsuedoFag.

It's time to show SHARIA LAW.

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All the Daughters of Cheese Jews, Allah will burn them.

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The Bomb is spilling radiation everywhere and everyone is contaminated including myself.

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GayHoole is Protected PsuedoPhile by Natashia and BBC Lawyer.

It's time for more Jihad. Toyota Tacoma QW-632.

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